Health and Fitness – Importance for Entrepreneurs

eToims – Entrepreneur – Exercise – FitnessTo be a successful entrepreneur, JZ realizes the importance of maintaining his health and fitness.
Due to training for and participating in 14 marathons between ages 51 to 68 years, he further aggravated his previous neck and lower back problems which he had since age 31. He received various treatments with multiple health-care professionals that did not give him satisfactory pain relief.Since receiving Twitch Obtaining Intramuscular Stimulation in 1990 at age 65 years, he has stopped “physician shopping” for managing his pain symptoms and associated functional limitations.
Surface applied Electrical Twitch Obtaining Intramuscular Stimulation (eToims) allows him to recover faster from the nerve related muscle aches and pain symptoms that accrues from his activities of daily living.JZ now 81 years, performs his daily routine exercises which he demonstrates in the video. You will note the ease at which he performs these exercises and his agility. He stays true to the fact that “the entrepreneur must be agile, nimble and conditioned to react quickly when opportunities can be profitably developed”.You will see him perform stretches for the heel cords, hip flexors, hip extensors, knee extensors and spine extensors. He also performs push-ups. Note that he is able to nimbly get down to the floor, gets on his hands and knees, roll-over and then stands up fast from a crawl position.
Note that his left hip extensors and left quadriceps are weak since he places both hands on his left thigh to return to the erect position after being on his hands and knees.You will also see him perform bridging exercises for the trunk and hip extensors (gluteal muscles) and manual resistive exercises for the hip flexors. He also shows you some shoulder flexion and abduction exercises and trunk rotation exercises.© 2007 copyright

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